Glowing Up For 2025

2025 is so so soon it-girls! Here are 5 major ways you can glow-up in 2025, and sustain that glow-up so your 2025 continues to be amazing.

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Gamify your Vision Board!

Gamify my vision board? What does that even mean? Well, I’m sure since you’re here you understand the concept of keeping and adding to a vision board throughout the year. Vision boards are a powerful manifestation tool we can use to accomplish, plan, and track our goals’ progress.

The concept of gamifying makes planning a vision board wildly more intriguing and exciting. Gamify simply means turning your vision board into a game. The question goes from WHAT am I achieving this year, (and placing on my vision board), to WHEN and WHERE you’re achieving it.

Let’s look at a bingo game, for example. Instead of simply placing your visions on a cork board, with this gamified method, you intentionally outline your visions on a bingo board, with each square becoming a vision and goal you want to achieve.

Gamifying your visions and goals turns on a switch in your mind, psychologically making your brain want to win the game, or in our case, achieve our visions!

Simplify your Life.

During the glow-up season of December, another season is in full swing: the holiday season. As brands promote their newest sales and deals, they often utilize the concept of “glowing up” as a marketing strategy.

This specifically plays into beauty standards, when, in reality, glowing up should truly just be about resetting our mindset as we open a new chapter of our life - the new year. A yearly glow-up is the biggest one there is, but in no way does that discount any other time we glow up. For this reason, it’s better to look past these brand’s commodification of the glow-up concept and focus intently on finding your own consistent glow-up that will take you through the next year.

An easy way to do this is to disregard the concept of purchasing items for a glow-up, and, instead, use that time to clean and simplify your routine. Whether that means cleaning out your beauty and skincare routine for 2025 or donating clothes you don’t wear anymore, any type of simplification can significantly increase your brain preparedness and readiness to start the new year fresh.

Even though this advice is opposite of what many brands will tell you, there is never harm in looking inwards and cleansing, especially during a glow-up. Conversely, there is harm in overconsumption and over- complication.

Digitally Organize…

While there are many tangible parts and pieces of a glow-up, one that is often forgotten is the concept of digital wellness, a concept CS looks at understanding deeply.

Glow-ups should definitely include cleaning physical spaces, like your apartment, room, and other environments you grace frequently. However, one environment connects all of them - and that’s our digital environment.

Failing to cleanse our digital environment is comparable to having 100 tabs open in our mind. This is a concept called cognitive load. When our minds are occupied with unfinished tasks like not finishing a youtube video, having a messy room, or failing to study, the things we do at present are, in return, not done with the excellence and precision we want.

And, since as humans, and hard-workers, we are online so much, the same can be said about an unorganized desktop, uncategorized folders, and too many windows opened at once. Just as we do a closet cleanout, storage clean-outs on our phones and laptops are necessary to bring us the best chance at a glow-up.

This goes hand-in-hand with planning. As pictured above, our Glow 2025 Notion Template cleans up the way you digitally plan, placing all of your journals and trackers in one spot, as well as offering multiple digital moodboards and vision boards. You can purchase this on our website now!

Stop Making Excuses

In Kim Kardashian’s harsh but true famous quote, “It seems like nobody is willing to work these days”. While this quote accepts some nuance, going into 2025 as a new person requires intent focus - and this person that you want to be certainly doesn’t make excuses.

You need to understand that the person you want to become doesn’t just appear with time. It doesn’t appear with excuses, comparison of other people, or a willingness for it to happen. It doesn’t even happen with vision boards or manifestation.

There are two things that vision boards and manifestation must be supplemented with - a willingness to do whatever takes (or: obsession), and doing what it takes. Working all night, supplementing the 9-5 with 5-9 work, and not making excuses about why it isn’t happening right now.

If you have the energy to create these dreams and the persona of who you want to become in your mind, you have the energy it takes to work hard at making it happen.

And, the sooner you realize it won’t happen for you - the sooner all your dreams will come true - and it’s because of one thing - because you did it!

Understand that Health is Wealth

If there’s one thing glow-up is directly opposite to, it’s burnout. Oftentimes, burnout is seen as a terrible thing - and the truth is, it is. There’s nothing worse than working so hard your efforts are futile before they pay off. At that stage, you’ll probably feel like giving up because all your hard work was for nothing.

That’s where your mindset is wrong - it’s very easy to switch burnout off simply by understanding that you must work only at a pace your health can keep up with.

Work-induced burnout is caused by an imbalance of work, not by working too much. The energy you put in outside of work should be a direct reflection of that amount. But, what does this mean?

It means that for every hour of focus work you put in a day - there should be an hour of nurture and rest. This can come in the form of sleep. It can come in the form of self-care, journaling, routines, or other relaxing focuses.

This concept all connects back to the concept of balance and consistency - and this place of perfect balance is where productivity thrives. In 2025, we want productivity to be at its highest - of course! So, finding a medium between health, wealth, work, and productivity is absolutely crucial.

Not only does it reduce the risk of burnout, but it ensures you focus less on motivation, and more on the sweet feeling of accomplishing something small each day.

We hope you enjoyed this blog!

Below, check out your next favorite year-round glow-up, a product that we here at CS actually use to cleanse our digital workspace and plan balance between wealth and health.


Ella, Club Studios

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